c. giving head

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J.J. 3 years ago
She can suck a nice dick
3 years ago
I let her suck my dick Off Too-lol .
Johnny blacze 4 years ago
Trust me no you don't lol
MrJ89 3 years ago
Bruh I'll pay for her to come suck my dick in ALABAMA like that lol
Slim 2 years ago
That looks so relaxing…imagine a long day at work and being able to get this on tap…yessir
4 years ago
That's a Raleigh crack head bitch
Sizzlewix 2 years ago
Pretty sure this cookoo-4-cocoapuffs crackrat is from BK, ENY to be exact. Saw another video on PH (can't find it now) titled something like "Brooklyn Basehead"...99% sure it was this raggedy rockrodent. She has sure improved her skull game (makes sense, as this ashy addict looks much further down the road in her pebble pipe journey). Y'know the ol' street saying : rock = cock, cock= rock... and the cycle continues (makes for a seasoned sausage slob of a stone smoker).
Calvin Jake 1 year ago
What is her name
Bigcalidick 2 years ago
She can suck
Poof 5 months ago
Damn she got got you like a chick putting her hand over her mouth when a dude taking her clothes off